Med Hope Clinic located in Faridabad, provides comprehensive psychological and counselling services in out patients settings. It is easily accessible from all across Faridabad, South Delhi, Gurugram (Gurgaon) and Noida being located near Asian Hospital in Sector 21 A, Faridabad.

Consultant Clinical Psychologists
Ms. Shruti Sharma

Ms. Sudipta Majumdar

Ms. Jasmine Arora

Ms. Swasti Bansal

Ms. Saniya Bhutani


  • Consultation and counselling sessions are available on all days of the week by prior appointment.


  • Consultation with
  1. Clinical Psychologist
  2. Counselling Psychologist
  3. Special Educator
  • Psychological Testing
  1. IQ Test & Test for Learning Disability
  2. Diagnostic Evaluation
  3. Personality Test
  4. Memory/NeuroPsych Evaluation
  • Psychotherapy
  • Supportive Counselling

When to consider undergoing counseling/psychotherapy?

One should consider taking counseling or psychotherapy when

  • you feel an overwhelming and prolonged sense of helplessness and sadness, and your problems do not seem to get better despite your efforts and help from family and friends.
  • you are finding it difficult to carry out everyday activities: for example, you are unable to concentrate on assignments at work, and your job performance is suffering as a result.
  • you worry excessively, expect the worst or are constantly on edge.
  • your actions are harmful to yourself or to others: for instance, you are drinking too much alcohol, abusing drugs or becoming overly aggressive and argumentative.